
GM70 Hand-Held Carbon Dioxide Meter for Spot-Checking Applications

Product Description

The Vaisala CARBOCAP® Hand-Held Carbon Dioxide Meter GM70 is a user-friendly meter for demanding spot measurements in laboratories, greenhouses and mushroom farms. The meter can also be used in HVAC and industrial applications, and as a tool for checking fixed CO2 instruments.

  • Two optional sampling methods: diffusion or pump aspiration
  • User-friendly meter with multilingual user interface
  • Numerical and graphical display of measurements
  • Data can be logged and transferred to PC via MI70 Link software
  • Wide selection of measurement ranges
  • Suitable for field checking of fixed CO2 instruments
  • Multi-probe operation; dew point and relative humidity probes can also be connected

Two Sampling Methods The handle is for hand-held diffusion sampling. The GM70 pump enables pump-aspirated sampling from locations difficult to access otherwise. It is also ideal for comparisons with fixed CO2 transmitters. Interchangeable Probes The GM70 uses the same probes as Vaisala CARBOCAP® Carbon Dioxide Transmitter Series GMT220 and Modules Series GMM220. By plugging different probes into the handle or pump, the user can easily change the measurement range of the GM70. The meter can also be used as a calibration check instrument for Vaisala’s GM20 and series, GMT/ M220 fixed CO2 instruments. GMP220 probes can even be adjusted by using the GM70 meter. The GM70 has two probe inputs. Vaisala’s relative humidity and dewpoint probes can also be used simultaneously with CO2 measurement.